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The Art of AIDS Prevention project has resulted in a number of publications. These include Paul Sendziuk's book Learning to Trust: Australian Responses to AIDS, and the following peer-reviewed articles 'Imag(in)ing People with AIDS: Art as Activism in the Age of AIDS', Australian Studies, vol.17, no.1, 2004, pp.107-46; and ‘Reassessing the Critical Legacy of Early “AIDS Movies”: Longtime Companion, Philadelphia, and Boys on the Side’ (with Eva Squire), Screening the Past, vol.44, 2019 - available here. Paul also guest edited a section of the journal GLQ (vol.16, no.3, 2010, pp.429-49) on the theme of 'Moving Pictures: AIDS on Film and Video', to which he contributed an essay about the film Philadelphia.


A book, explicitly concerned with the themes of this project and provisionally titled The Art of AIDS Prevention: Can Art Save Lives?, is currently being written. 


In July 2008, Paul Sendziuk curated an online exhibition of AIDS-related art titled Militancy and Mourning for Visual AIDS.

© Paul Sendziuk 2020

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